Had a second session with Strut improvisation community this morning. Working on sighted/unsighted work once again – but this time with an eye
to increasing the “independence” of the duetting individuals.

We completed two iterations:

1. Baseline – locating/relocating the sighted person. Initially with sighted dancer “passive”, and then introducing tone for the second part of the improvisation. (some tone, some action, some “teasing” of the relationship).
2. Keeping “sight” of the other. A longerĀ  improvisation focusing on the following:

i) increasing activity/dynamic level.

ii) teasing and pushing separation.

iii) independence/interdependence – particularly by considering degree of physical proximity.
iv) For the sighted person there was a reminder to keep electing to “assist”, “resist” and “rupture” (or contaminate) the situation.

Some questions:

What can you find out about this person’s state & body?

Does their location always have to make sense?

Are they safe?

What comes in and out of the field of view ?

How are you locomoting – beside, around and next to this person?

How do you “find” them?

At the end of the session, David asked, “Are you looking to stimulate risk?”. It resonated strongly with me, and now I think that it is both perceived and real risk that I am drawn to in this work – in searching/provoking for moments of the unknown or of extreme surprise.