still images

The following are a selection of images from the various pages on this site. Click on an image for a larger version. If you are using a recent browser (get Firefox) clicking an image will open it in the lightbox. You’ll be able to browse the images using your keyboard, [P]revious image, [N]ext image, e[X]it.

Excavate Floorwall - Photograph by George Kyriacou Excavate Headhold - Photograph by George KyriacouExcavate Jawbone - Photograph by George KyriacouExcavate Perspective - Photograph by George Kyriacou
Trace Brokeback - Photograph by George KyriacouTrace Foot - Photograph by George KyriacouTrace Dance - Photograph by George Kyriacou set 1 – Photos by George Kyriacou
Suspension DanEdit still mandible yield set 2 – Excavate
moving swivel wallfly set 3 – Culture Lab
all together get ready Bucket lift Bucket Head set 4 – T.E.A.M.

Below is a testing bed for for a Flash based image scroller. You need to get flash player v7.
This will be updated in due course but for the moment you can view the proof sheets from a session we did with George Kyriacou.