in gaol

Thursday, September 24th, 2009

In Gaol with David and Jacob

coming up at the natimuk frinj festival.

In Gaol with David and Jacob

You’ve heard of In Bed with Maddona, right? Come and get involved with David and Jacob in the old natimuk gaol where they will be interred for the entire festival. A durational performance event, the work is centered around personal history, relationship, intimacy and the paradox of freedom.

Often the tightest imposed boundaries generate the greatest creative freedom.


Un peu – some video

Saturday, May 23rd, 2009

Here are a few excerpts from our performances earlier this year with Andrew Harwood, Paula Zacharias (video) and music by Dr Barry Hill. This all happened at Dancehouse in Melbourne. They’re all hosted on Vimeo.

All video shot by Cobie Orger

performances with harwood

Wednesday, January 7th, 2009

as part of the tour there will be a few performances in Melbourne.
bookings can be made online at Dancehouse

also, Ruth Zaporah will be in Melbourne at the same time so we’ve organised (in conjunction with Al Wunder) for a combined solo evening followed by a forum on improvisation practices.
Full details here